
5 Ad Metrics to Watch




After helping 3250+ clients to grow their email list and create a sustainable way to bring in leads and sales on repeat , I know it takes more than just a few ads and a weak offer to get to the revenue levels you really want. That’s why I’m helping you to not just grow your list, but to leverage it fully. Because I want you to kick overwhelm to the curb and finally have time to enjoy your life. 

Expect me to help you refine your messaging, optimize your offer suite and customer journey, and make the complicated marketing stuff feel simple.

It’s about time you stopped running on the hamster wheel of business. Let me show you how!

Award-winning marketer and copywriter helping solopreneurs and digital marketing agencies grow and scale (without the burnout).

Hey, I'm Vanessa!

Meet your marketing magic-maker 

I’m committed to helping online entrepreneurs get clear on how to market themselves in a way that’s sustainable and scalable.

xo, Vanessa