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buckle up. this is an intensive 1:1 service where I dive deep into your business and strategize your systems, monetize your marketing and scale your offers. I'm with you the whole ride!

3 month consulting and strategy implementation 

I'm about to show you just how easy it really can be!

You probably have a feeling like you need more leads or what you're currently doing feels a But you can't quite put a finger on what's broken or missing to fix it.

That's where I can help! I see the gaps and opportunities others often miss. We'll identify what's working well for you and where you can make some tweaks so you can really shine!

Word on the street is you're ready to stop playing small and start showing up in your business. You're just missing someone to show you how.

In our time together you'll have more clarity and a clear path forward. 

Access to me via Voxer and email to talk through revenue-generating actions, and to make sure implementing your marketing strategy stays on track.

Assistance analyzing your data and interpreting what it all means, with recommendations on how to keep improving.

Done for you implementation: 1x weekly email, blog post and monthly social prompts tailored to you.

A focus on making everything work holistically. Paid + organic tactics need to work together for the best results.

6 biweekly calls over 3 months and 1 zoom dance party (BYO cocktails, pizza and pjs)

Get ready cause this fun ride includes:

My mission is clear: To help you make more money and keep more money doing more of what you love and less of what you don’t. 

it's perfect for business owners who are burnt out and ready to do things differently.

You know exactly where you’re headed and you’re only interested in growing your business in a way that aligns with your personality, strengths, and energetic capacity. There's no one-size-fits all strategy or magic bullet here.

You're ready for more profit and freedom. And you've got the drive and devotion it takes to get there. Everything you want is on the other side of consistency & a smart marketing strategy, and that’s where I come in.

Get ready to be guided to your big vision. We'll tear down the old, master your purpose and bravely build the business of your dreams.

Turn your expertise and passion into cash quickly, easily and repeatedly with magnetic messaging, and a marketing process that's rinse and repeatable.


3 month consulting and strategy implementation 

We'll test what we fixed and make sure your marketing efforts are consistent, on-brand and aligned to your goals.

STEP THREE: test the changes

Once we've identified what your gaps are, we create a project management plan and fix them. Some things will be quick fixes, others may take more time.

STEP TWO: tweak what's broken

Upon onboarding you'll complete a little homework to help me get to know you and your business better. We'll have a strategy call and look at your business from top to bottom to find the gaps & plot to fix them.

STEP ONE: Assess where you're at

Here's how it works!

These powerhouse brands tapped into their growth potential. Will you? 

Kristina Pierce, Pierce Media

Vanessa & her team are amazing, their knowledge and expertise is way beyond anyone I've ever worked with. They stay on top of constant changes in digital marketing, Facebook ads & more. Vanessa is a pleasure to work with, always willing to help and an amazing person!

Cristina Roman, Pique Coaching

My coaching business has just had it's biggest month ever! I didn't expect to have a great year with the pandemic & all, but it's turning out to be my best year yet! Thank you for all your help with my funnel & my Facebook ads.

Emma N.

I'm SO happy with seeing the results roll in, and the funnel feedback has been so helpful!

Carole Thompson

Vanessa is a superstar. Her Better Blogging Blueprint has helped me to grow my blog! I appreciate so much that she's made it easy to understand and implement.

After helping 3250+ clients to grow their email list and create a sustainable way to bring in leads and sales on repeat , I know it takes more than just a few ads and a weak offer to get to the revenue levels you really want. That’s why I’m helping you to not just grow your list, but to leverage it fully. Because I want you to kick overwhelm to the curb and finally have time to enjoy your life. 

Expect me to help you refine your messaging, optimize your offer suite and customer journey, and make the complicated marketing stuff feel simple.

It’s about time you stopped running on the hamster wheel of business. Let me show you how!

Award-winning marketer and copywriter helping solopreneurs and digital marketing agencies grow and scale (without the burnout).

Hey, I'm Vanessa!

Meet your marketing magic-maker 

It's time to stop dreaming and start doing

buckle up business owner

I’m committed to helping online entrepreneurs get clear on how to market themselves in a way that’s sustainable and scalable.

xo, Vanessa